On the afternoon before Thanksgiving, I had a client call me up and very nonchalantly tell me that she had "decided that they would like security to be onsite at their location the next day." For a little background, we typically service this particular client only during the overnight shift. Additionally, we had contacted every client at least a week prior asking each one if they were going to have any special holiday hours so that we could ensure proper staffing. Now, because we strive to serve each of our clients to the best of our abilities, I cheerfully replied to this client that we would absolutely take care of it, and wished her and her family a Happy Thanksgiving. But, upon hanging up, my heart began to sink a little more and even a little anger set in, because this client didn't even seem to give second thought to the fact that I was now going to have to ruin somebody's Thanksgiving in order to ensure the coverage by taking away the prized holiday off. After a bit of deliberation, I decided that rather than do that, I would simply cover the shift myself, rather than taking an employee's time away from his or her family on Thanksgiving who had previously cherished in the fact that they had not been scheduled for it. While I felt better about the situation now, I still felt a little upset. Not necessarily because now I would instead be working (after all, in our industry, it is a rarity to not be working a holiday), but because of the fact that all too often, we in the security industry are so overlooked and rarely thanked for our services. Of course, I'm not looking for a pat on the back, or a big hug for going above and beyond... but as mentioned previously, we had literally contacted each client more than a week prior, and to receive such a last minute expectation, knowing that we always take care of our clients, brings very little feeling of satisfaction, but rather, more of a feeling of thanklessness. Will this deter us in the future? No, of course not. We will always strive to faithfully and gladly serve each client in the absolute best manner possible. But next time you leave your place of business over the holidays to enjoy time at home with friends and family, or head off to that company Christmas party, or sit around the dinner table with the delicious feast in front of you, please remember to take a moment and offer a "thank you" to that security officer at your place of work, or who is patrolling your residential community, or who is standing at the entrance of the big box store that you are rushing to in order to obtain that "special deal". Please let them know that they are appreciated... that their time away from their own friends, family or feasts do not go unnoticed... and that maybe somebody does realize that we serve no matter what. After all, to Serve and Protect does not only apply to police officers. And, on that note, we at Denver Metro Protective Services wish to offer our sincere thanks to each of our personnel who did serve and protect - on Thanksgiving, and on every day of the year. We would not be as great as we are without each and every one of you, and we are so happy to have you all a part of our family.